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7 ways to update classical get-to-know-you team building games
Workplace team building is always an excellent opportunity to see your colleagues from a brand new perspective. Unfortunately, most of the traditional get-to-know-you team building games are either too cheesy, too formal, or too boring. That's why we're proud to present 7 ways you could update the classic team building ice breakers!
Just remember: to know something and not do it equals not knowing it. So don't just read this post, but go ahead and put some of the tips we give you here to good use on your next get-together!
For even more game ideas that break the ice, take a look at our other articles:
- 8 virtual game show team building ideas — deal, or no deal?
- Virtual ice breakers
- In-office ice breakers
Share fun facts and bond with a team quiz
Have your participants choose from a list of questions they’d like their coworkers to answer about them, before watching as they guess the right answer.
01. Yes

Run a guided recognition activity
Have your participants choose from a list of questions they’d like their coworkers to answer about them, before watching as they guess the right answer.
01. Yes

Organize a virtual cooking class
Hire a professional chef to help your team cook a delicious lunch or dinner. May be difficult for co-workers with families. To find providers and get tips, read our blog about virtual cooking classes.
02. No

Hire a stand-up comedian
Have your participants choose from a list of questions they’d like their coworkers to answer about them, before watching as they guess the right answer.
02. No

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Workplace team building is always an excellent opportunity to see your colleagues from a brand new perspective. Unfortunately, most of the traditional get-to-know-you team building games are either too cheesy, too formal, or too boring. That's why we're proud to present 7 ways you could update the classic team building ice breakers!
Just remember: to know something and not do it equals not knowing it. So don't just read this post, but go ahead and put some of the tips we give you here to good use on your next get-together!
For even more game ideas that break the ice, take a look at our other articles:
- 8 virtual game show team building ideas — deal, or no deal?
- Virtual ice breakers
- In-office ice breakers
1. Never Have I Ever
This is an all-time favorite classic. This get-to-know-you game is designed specifically for large groups of people learning fun facts about each other. That makes it a perfect choice for any team building ice-breaker.
How to play: The game is popular internationally, so the version we present here may differ from the one you are used to.
- A player shares something they have previously done, prompting it with "Never have I ever" (e.g., "Never have I ever driven a car").
- If any of the remaining players have done it (driven a car in our example), they need to take a shot (or put down a finger in other PG versions of the game).
- Repeat until the specified number of shots/fingers/stories has been reached.
How to spice it up: The original version works particularly well for college parties and friendly gatherings. To make it more job-oriented, refrain from using drinks or fingers (as you'd typically do when playing at a party or a corporate event), and don't keep the score at all. Instead, use every prompt as an opportunity to open up to your coworkers and discuss your answers in detail.
What you'll get: Practice argumentation and communication as you get to better know your team and yourself.
2. Two truths, one lie
This is another popular ice-breaker that has taken the world by storm. Similar to Never Have I Ever, Two Truths One Lie is an effective way to quickly get to know your teammates during a short team building session.
How to play:
- One of the players needs to share three facts about themselves: two real and one fictional. For example, it can be something like, "I'm ⅓ Polish, I've been to Antarctica, I've never had any McDonalds."
- The remaining participants have to guess which fact is a lie. They can do it simultaneously by voting online or one-by-one, going deep into their reasoning.
How to spice it up: The game flows especially well if your facts have an unexpected twist. For example, in the scenario given above, the one lie could be the most believable fact, so the player's Polish descent.
What you'll get: Practice reasoning, attention to detail, and creativity in one go.
3. Would you rather
This game can be a blessing (or a curse) for teams struggling with decision-making. Here, it's crucial to balance out the scenarios that will be mildly uncomfortable yet not impossible to choose between.
How to play:
Just as the name suggests, your goal is to present the team with two opposing choices. Their job is to make the decision and rationalize their choice. You can either play one-by-one, changing the roles along the way, or make it a group experience, where everyone has to vote at the same time.
How to spice it up: This get-to-know-you team building game can be easily turned into a practical problem-solving experience. Don't settle for the typical game scenarios, like "would you rather fly or become invisible". Instead, discuss professional scenarios that will help your team navigate their careers and become friends. I.e., "Would you rather take on more responsibilities with the salary increase or keep your current pay and get an extra day off".
What you'll get: Practice your leadership and decision-making skills by being outside your comfort zone and seriously committing to unlikely situations.
4. Show and tell (for on-site teams only)
Bonding over fictional situations and hypothetical scenarios is great. But the real magic happens in real life! And this get-to-know-you team building activity is a perfect way to test it out.
How to play: You must be familiar with this one from your school years! Just find a topic you're incredibly passionate about and share your interests with the group. Don't forget to show - you can make a PowerPoint presentation, film a video, or bring the actual subject to the office.
How to spice it up: Bond over experiencing the subject of your presentation, not just showing it. Wanna share a funny story about your dog? Bring it to the office or go for a walk with your team for them to get to know your pet firsthand. Just came back from a trip? Don't just share the photos - bring in some local souvenirs for your team!
Looking for a good alternative suitable for remote work? Check out this list of the best free virtual team building activities!
What you'll get: An opportunity to share your passion with your coworkers, have a meaningful experience, and bond over it in real life.
5. Things in common
Employees need to share common values and interests to stay engaged and motivated. An activity like this can be perfect for an introduction round or a reconnection break.
How to play: The participants need to talk to each other and find 5 to 10 things they have in common (the number of things depends on the group size). It can be anything, like places you've visited, favorite meals, the last movie you've seen, etc.
How to spice it up: After you've found something you all have in common, reverse it. Have there been any entries no one else could relate to? Explore those options! Could those interests be turned into an exciting activity for your next team building? Finding common ground is amazing, but bonding over a brand new experience with someone is the next level.
What you'll get: Build strong relationships with your coworkers (not just from your team but also from other departments) to feel included and motivated to act as a group.
6. I am a…
This quick experience and be another effective way to highlight the existing similarities and express yourselves at work.
How to play:
- Stand as far away from each other as the space allows.
- Each player has to share an identity statement (e.g., "I am a parent" or "I am a photographer).
- The other players who relate to the statement take a step forward, narrowing the distance between them.
How to spice it up: Normally, this game works best when played IRL. But you can easily adjust it for the virtual reality we're all used to by now. For example, you can use some of the team building apps, move towards and away from the camera highlighting the distance, or simply turn your cameras on and off.
What you'll get: Feel the distance between you and your team narrow down (both literally and metaphorically) as you realize how many similar roles you play daily.
7. Guess who?
This is a popular team building game for small and medium-sized teams that know each other fairly well (large teams, continue here instead). It puts your knowledge to the test!
How to play: If you play the classic version, you'll need to take care of some preparations beforehand. Or… You can skip straight to the "How to spice it up" section for Gomada's hot take on this get-to-know-you game!
- The team lead must prepare a list of questions to use in the game.
- A few days before the team building, the participants need to email a couple of answers to the questions they liked best.
- The host will then read out the answers, and the players will try to guess who replied what.
Pro tip: Try to share non-work-related stories. Your reputation as a sales manager is pretty solid by now. The goal of this game is to get to know you as a person. So let your team discover each other from a new, personal angle and use the office image they have to navigate their decision-making.
How to spice it up: Play Guess What? Instead! Here, you won't have to come up with your own questions - Gomada will generate them for you! Instead of guessing who replied what, you'll be guessing answers to the questions about a specific person directly. You can try Gomada for free now!
What you'll get: Deepen your existing relationship with your team.
Upgrading your team building beyond games
You came here looking for get-to-know-you games but often, we see the root of "I don't know my team problems" to sit much deeper than that.
If you're a remote team, give Gomada a try. You can learn more about how we help develop remote teams on our home page. If you're an in-office team, consider working with an event company to guide you.
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